its been awhile since i last update in leonarddranoel.bs. com..... well anyway... these few mths busy with work cos CNY period... always the busiest period for FB, mitju n camou. These few months really slogged out for FB... however got some feelings that Im not happy about... Dont know why .. but after so many years of putting in effort.. i would have expected them to appreciate and be aware of my efforts. Despite everything i've done... maybe its still not enuff to them...and that they cant trust me in more important tasks... That i will never know...
on a happier note.. 我毕业了!!!!
真开心。。 我真的做到了。 之前,我还有一点怀疑我对自己的肯定。。 我那时压力很大很大, 好多事情要烦,很想逃离那时的情景。。 但是终于做到了!!!
因为毕业了,让我感受到不同的压力。 现在家人一直问我几时才会找份工作。我感觉到很烦。。因为我要考虑到好多好多,你们可不可以给我一个人去处理,好烦好烦好烦。。。每天在想这个问题。最近也遇到了和朋友或同事之间的不满和不愉快。。 但是我会振作起来,一定为自己而奋斗,不让关心我的人失望。。
"目标就在眼前,为何我却得不到。我上不去也下不了。。左右为难。。。 =( "
Mood: ok lor.
Listening to: 罗志祥- 爱不单行
fisherman's fren: leo ranted @
2:29 AM
2:29 AM